
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Zion National Park

We went to Zion National Park. It is really so beautiful.  There were many interesting plants and rocks. We saw few animals:  beaver, squirrel, lizard, and crane. They came close to us. Of course, we don’t touch them because they can bite us. We went to a waterfall called “weeping rock” and it is beautiful and wet. Some students touch ledge because there had algae, and it feel smooth and silky. That was a special habitat. We went the Temple of Sinawava. We walked in the river and it feel cold. We had fun to play in the river. Some students throw rocks trying to skip stones.  We hiked and were amazed at the scenery!

Bryce Canyon

            Today we are at Bryce Canyon in Utah. Bryce Canyon is full of bright color and has interesting rocks.  The Hoodoos are geologic formations.  Some people believe Hoodoos have a feeling spirit.  We hiked about 2 miles on a ledge and looked at the scenery.  Bryce Canyon is different on the left and right sides of the trail because left is forest and ground and right is orange and tan colored rocks.  There are around 400 the different kinds of plants.  One kind of plant is a Bristlecone Pine that can be 1,600 years old!! Another tree is called a Ponderosa Pine-- it smells like caramel! We didn’t see many animals, but there are mountain lions, fox, deer, and condors there.

Day 3: Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Weather:  sunny, warm, a little bit hot
Temperature: 66ยบ

Destination: Bryce Canyon & Zion National Park
Highlight:  Interesting Rock formations
Scenery:  grass, trees, rocks

Mileage:  odometer start:  18130 end: forgot to check!
               = _________ miles driving
               + 7387 steps walking

Breakfast: Ruby's Inn Buffet
Lunch:    Subway
Dinner:  Golden Corral

Revile: (time to get up!):  7:30
Curfew: (GO to BED!!!) 10:30