Today we visited the Hoover Dam. We stood on an overlook to see its outside and took an elevator to see the inside of the Dam. The dam controls water flow and produces power
The dam has an interesting history. Before the dam could be built, the Colorado River needed to be moved. Two diversion tunnels were built and the Colorado River flowed around the dam site. People began building the dam in 1933 when the first concrete was poured. President Franklin D. Roosevelt dedicated the dam in 1935. The dam was finished 26 months earlier than scheduled!! When the dam was done, the water filled up behind it. This water was Lake Mead. Cars can drive over the dam. 96 people officially died building the dam. Frank Crowne is the person who engineered Hoover Dam. Hoover Dam was named after by U.S. president Herbert Hoover. The dam is important for stopping floods and giving water to California. The dam makes electricity for California and Arizona.